This programme provides personal, professional and cultural development for both Tuakana and Teina through a series of 1:1 and group online sessions
Kia Ora Hauora Mai Tawhiti is a kaupapa Māori online mentoring programme designed to help Year 13 students interested in a health career pathway make a successful transition from secondary school to tertiary study.
Who can participate?
Māori currently studying in a health related tertiary
pathway -
Passionate/committed to support Māori to pursue
health careers
Year 13 Māori students currently registerd with the overall Kia Ora Hauora programme
Year 13 Māori students currently studying level 3 NCEA sciences
There are 5 Māori values we use to guide Kia Ora Hauora Mai Tawhiti to ensure
that it supports Māori to be successful as Māori within the programme.
These values are:
Through whakapapa we develop and deepen relationships between Tuakana and Teina
Whānau binds people together and we are never along
Caring for people with respect, humility and kindness
Foster the qualities of humility, leadership, diplomacy, generosity, integrity and honesty
Working together we will achieve our purpose
Some of Our Team







About the
About the Programme
The kaupapa is an innovation by Kia Ora Hauora, a national Māori health workforce development programme that has been supporting thousands of young Māori to achieve rewarding health careers since 2010.
About Mentoring
The heart of Kia Ora Hauora Mai Tawhiti is the Tuakana (mentor) – Teina (mentee) relationship where Tuakana share their experience and knowledge to support their Teina in preparation for university.
As a Tuakana
As a Tuakana you will be in a privileged position to help grow the next generation of Māori health professionals. We will support you to build a strong Tuakana – Teina relationship so that you can share your experiences, pass on your knowledge and skills and help your Teina make the best start possible on their health career journey.
As a Teina
As a Teina the kaupapa will help to grow your personal, cultural and academic confidence. You will start to build your network of support people who are on a similar career journey, have a better understanding of the health sector and be prepared to start university.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mentoring is when a more experienced person (mentor) works alongside a less experienced person (mentee) to support their personal, academic and or professional development by sharing their knowledge and experiences.
The basic principle of mentoring is embodied in the word ‘awhinatanga’ which involves encouragement, motivation, empathy, patience, perseverance and commitment.
The only difference between these two types of mentoring styles is that one is conducted in person, while the other is conducted online. Although there is a difference in the way mentoring is delivered, the principles as outlined above remain the same.
The provision each mentor/ mentee receives will depend on the individuals need. However, generally you can expect the following:
- Motivation
- Encouragement
- Patience
- Empathy
- Advocacy
- Whanaungatanga
- Study tips
- Peer support
- In programme relationship support
- A confidential ear and sounding board to discuss health career study pathways and challenges
- Networking and collaboration opportunities
- Health study pathway and career planning advice
- Training opportunities
The activities each mentor/ mentee receives will depend on the individuals need. However, generally you can expect the following:
- One on one sessions via private online video calling and/or live chat facilities with the programme
- Support to identify and establish health career study pathway goals
- Regular contact with mentor/mentee for 8 weeks
- Support in solving health career study pathway issues within our capabilities
- Sharing of knowledge and experiences
The programme will run for 8 weeks
Both mentor and mentees are required to meet at least once per week for 8 weeks
This programme is provided to you FREE!!!
Our role is to provide:
- Guidelines and assistance throughout the mentoring processes and procedures
- Administration support
- Safe and secure online mentoring platform
- Training opportunities for both mentors and mentees
- Access to information and expertise to support health career study pathway aspirations
- Be a current Māori student studying towards a health career
- Be a recent health career study pathway graduate
- Currently working in the New Zealand health sector
- All mentors will be required to undergo a police vetting check for security purposes
- Be a registered Kia Ora Hauora member
- Be a current Year 13 student studying in New Zealand
- Be currently studying level 3 NCEA sciences