1:1 Lesson Prep
Your Tuakana has a set of session plans designed to support you to have meaningful conversations together. Some sessions they may go through all the questions, other times, just a few. If you find that your session doesn’t take the full hour – kei te pai. The important thing is that your sessions are a positive way for your tuakana share their experiences and knowledge.
This lesson prep section is to help you and your tuakana be prepared and ensure the best use of your time.
Building a strong relationship is perhaps the most important step in developing a great Tuakana – Teina partnership! So Session 1 is all about breaking the ice! Letting your Tuakana know a bit about you, including some personal details, what you like to do in your spare time, the sort of music you listen to, where and what you study, where you grew up etc.
Next sessions prep:
Think about what support you have around you. Who is on your waka? Note down your support team for the next session.
He waka kore hoe he tangata kore huarahi. A waka without a paddle is like a person without direction.
Te Ao Māori recognises and embraces the strength that comes from the support of your whānau and community. This session looks at the different support networks and people that you have to draw on.
Next sessions prep:
Next week there is a group session on Māori models of healthcare within the NZ health system and hear from a Māori health professional who will share their journey – highs and lows with you to learn from. In preparation for this session we ask that all Tuakana and Teina come prepared with a question to ask during the zui. Think of something you are curious within the health sector with an example question being – what is the best thing about being a Māori health professional?
So, it will be a fortnight before you are back together 1-1 to talk about where your waka is going.
For your next 1-1 session, think about what goals and ambitions you have in terms of your education pathway. Is there a particular field of study you want to major in? Do you know the criteria for entry? Think about the direction you want to steer your waka and the actions you need to do to get to the end goal. Note them down to share at your next online meeting.
Setting good goals is a great skill to have and one many of us are not great at. It is important that you know where you want to go so that you can make decisions now that will ensure you get to your destination. In this session your tuakana will help guide you through thinking about what your goals are or could be if you are unsure.
Next sessions prep:
Think of any questions you have about what life at university is generally like and note them down for the next 1-1 session.
Flatting, life in a hall of residence, holding down a part-time job, getting a student loan, paying it back, what financial help is available, study groups, what is an average day at uni like, what are lectures like, what equipment do you need, what happens if you get sick, how much does car parking cost?…… All these questions will be things you may not know much about. Sharing the realities, costs and how tuakana manage all of their responsibilities will give you a good understanding of what you can expect when you start university.
Next sessions prep:
Next week there is a group session on the types of financial support available while you study at uni. It will cover StudyLink, navigating Work and Income and other entitlements you may be able to access. The session will also cover what scholarships are available and how Kia Ora Hauora can help you both find them and prepare awesome applications.
It will be a fortnight before you are back together 1:1 to talk about good study and exam tips.
Between now and then think about how you prepare for exams and what your general study habits are. If there are any awesome resources you use, be prepared to share them with you tuakana.
This session is an opportunity for your tuakana to share their study tricks and tips, about the demands tertiary study and exams have on their life and how they manage them. Most people find these things stressful so sharing strategies and successful ways of dealing with them may help. This is an opportunity for tuakana to share what study habits and techniques work for them and the different learning resources and tools they use.
Next sessions prep:
In the next session you are going to go through a mock template of a university application with your tuakana.
Bring an application form if there is one you are considering and think of any questions you have for your tuakana about the application process.
Applying for university can be stressful. As your tuakana will have recently gone through this process themself their insight and advice about how to tackle this process will be gold.
This is your last 1-1 session together. Talk about how your time in Kia Ora Hauora Mai Tawhiti has gone and what the best bits for you both were.
Next sessions prep:
Next week is our final group session where we reflect on our time together in Kia Ora Hauora Mai Tawhiti.